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These links take you to tutorials and descriptive articles that we have written over the years.

Please note the date of each tutorial as some of the technologies described have been superceded.

Tutorial on JavaScript/JQuery Bookmarklets

1 November, 2012

A tutorial on two approaches to creating web browser Bookmarklets has been posted to out Github site.

Interactive Environment for the Raphaël Vector Graphics JavaScript Library

11 March, 2010

Raphaël Live is a interactive in-browser environment to help you learn the Raphaël Vector Graphics JavaScript Library, developed by Dmitry Baranovskiy.
Click on links to load example code that covers the basic features of the library. Modify the code in the code editor and run the see the changes.

Rich Web Text Editing with Kupu

28 April 2005

A tutorial on editing text in a web browser using the Kupu JavaScript toolkit, published on the O'Reilly Network.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Systems Biology

20 August 2004

This article gives an introduction to non-biologists to Systems Biology and some of the computational tools being used in this field. This was published on the O'Reilly Network as part of a series on Bioinformatics.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Bioinformatics and Comparative Genomics

29 June 2004

This article gives an introduction to non-biologists to Comparative Genomics and some of the software used to visualize and explore these comparisons. This was published on the O'Reilly Network as part of a series on Bioinformatics.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Introduction to Bioinformatics

11 June 2004

This article gives an overview for non-biologists of Bioinformatics and some of the ways this field is being used to illuminate biology and medicine. This was published on the O'Reilly Network as part of a series on Bioinformatics.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Planning for Disaster Recovery on LAMP Systems

08 April 2004

This article describes an approach to disaster recovery on Linux computer systems. It was published on the O'Reilly Network.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Creating Web Content for Mobile Phone Browsers - Part 2

20 February 2004

This article describes how to tailor the content of your web site to suit simple mobile phone browsers. It was published on the O'Reilly Network.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.

Creating Web Content for Mobile Phone Browsers - Part 1

06 February 2004

This article describes how to tailor the content of your web site to suit simple mobile phone browsers. It was published on the O'Reilly Network.

A PDF reprint of the article is available here.